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Za výbornú cenu tri tituly
od fotografa
Tibora Huszára
Reuters photojournalists are continually bearing witness to events as they happen across the globe. They submit some 1,600 photos a day, creating an annual archive of over half a million images. This award-winning work pushes the boundaries of what news photography is and can be: it ranks among the finest photojournalism of our times. Our World Now 4 draws upon this unparalleled resource to document a year in the life of our vibrant, troubled, beautiful planet. Sometimes funny, sometimes devastating, alwa...
cena: 12.28€, zľava: 12%
Viac o titule Kúpiť
Where Chefs Eat
cena: 19.36€, zľava: 12% Viac o titule Kúpiť
Finally...the first international restaurant guidebook by the real insiders: over 400 of the world's top chefs. From bargain noodle joints to high-end restaurants; late night haunts to all day breakfasts; neigh...
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