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Za výbornú cenu tri tituly
od fotografa
Tibora Huszára
A Photographer's Life
One of the most celebrated photographers of our time presents a selection of her work of the last fifteen years. The material documents the arc of Leibovitz's relationship with her companion, Susan Sontag, who died in 2004; the birth of her three daughters; and many events involving her large and robust family, including the death of her father. The book is permeated with strong emotions. Leibovitz's passion for her family and friends is part of a larger passion that extends to the subjects of her profess...
cena: 31.64€, zľava: 12%
Viac o titule Kúpiť
Paolo Pellegrin
Paolo Pellegrin
cena: 26.31€, zľava: 12% Viac o titule Kúpiť
Paolo Pellegrin is a journalistic and fine-art photographer with few equals. As well as becoming a full member of Magnum in 2005, he is a contract photographer for Newsweek. The recipient of many prizes, he has...
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